Latest News
- Andreas FinkeJuly 17, 2024DeFiyieldprediction markets
The DeFi Disparity, Part I: Yield
There is a disparity between the promises of financial freedom as part of the DeFi ethos and where this freedom leads to in practice due to a lack of fair protocols; part 1/2.
- Levin KellerJune 26, 2024codesmart contractstesting
Blockchain App Integration Testing
Levin runs you through a demo repository which explains how we use a local blockchain instance to run complex integration tests for our stack.
- Levin KellerJune 25, 2024softwaretesting
On Testing
Levin gives some insights on the way we do automated testing at contro and why it is so important for us.
- Levin KellerMay 30, 2024techdevastro
Website Relaunch
We have reworked our landing page to support news articles and other content.