March 12, 2025

The GLOB Revolution

If you’ve spent any time trading crypto, you know that heart-racing moment when you place an order and watch it fill instantly. That excitement can quickly turn to frustration when you see price slippage or, worse, realize you’ve been front-run by a bot. What if there’s a better way to structure markets themselves? Enter the Gradual Limit Order Book (GLOB) – a reimagining of how trading can work.

Why Your “Instant” Trades Are Part of the Problem

Current trading systems, whether traditional order books (CLOBs) or DeFi’s automated market makers (AMMs), share a fundamental issue: they treat trades as instantaneous events rather than ongoing processes.

These supposedly “continuous markets” are actually quite discontinuous in an important way: if there are two buyers, the one who comes first by as little as a fraction of a second can get a dramatically better deal. This creates problems you’ve probably experienced firsthand:

  • Your large trades cause dramatic price slippage
  • You’ve been sandwiched by bots that saw your transaction coming
  • You’ve watched market makers disappear right when you needed liquidity most
  • You’ve resorted to complex TWAP strategies just to avoid getting wrecked on entry or exit

These aren’t just annoyances – they’re symptoms of a structural problem with how markets fundamentally operate.

The GLOB Lightbulb Moment: Trading as a Stream

The core idea behind GLOBs is genuinely revolutionary: What if your trades executed as continuous streams over time, rather than as all-or-nothing events?

Think about it like this: Traditional trading is like dumping a bucket of water all at once, causing a splash. GLOB trading is like pouring that same water gradually, causing barely a ripple.

In a GLOB:

  • Your trades execute gradually over time (literally streaming into the market)
  • Everyone trading at the same moment gets the same fair price
  • The market keeps updating the price as supply and demand change
  • Speed directly impacts price – faster execution means worse prices, slower execution means better prices
  • You explicitly control this tradeoff, balancing your need for urgency against your desire for better prices

Technical Deep Dive: How GLOBs Actually Work

Let’s get nerdy for a minute and look under the hood at how GLOBs actually function:

The GLOB Algorithm (Simplified)

  1. You Set Your Terms: You submit an order stating your trade intent: limit price, quantity, and how fast you want it to execute.
  2. Price Discovery Happens: The system calculates where supply and demand balance, setting a clearing price that applies to everyone. The faster your order, the larger the price impact, so you can trade urgency for better prices.
  3. Your Trade Streams In: Rather than executing all at once, your order fills gradually at the speed you chose, as long as the limit you chose accepts the current price.
  4. The Market Adapts: While your order and others are being gradually filled, new orders come in and thus update the clearing price.

One of the coolest aspects of GLOBs is how they handle your limit orders:

  • When the market price crosses your limit (in your favor), your order automatically starts executing
  • When the price moves against you, execution automatically pauses
  • If you set both buy and sell limits, you can smoothly flip from buyer to seller as prices change

This automatic behavior effectively lets you act like a market maker without needing specialized infrastructure or algorithms.

Of course, this continuous execution design does mean there won’t be an instant trade confirmation. For some use cases requiring absolute immediacy, this tradeoff may not be worth it, but for most trading scenarios, the benefits of addressing “toxic flow” far outweigh these adjustments.

Addressing Toxic Flow in Markets

One crucial aspect of GLOBs is how they address the dynamics between different market participants.

The Hidden Battle in Traditional Markets

In traditional markets, there’s a constant, invisible war between liquidity providers and what industry insiders call “toxic flow” – traders who exploit speed advantages to pick off stale quotes when market conditions change. This is especially problematic in prediction markets, where niche topics are typically too risky for non-specialized market makers and hence are illiquid.


  1. Limit orders are placed, creating market depth
  2. New information enters the market (news, large orders, etc.)
  3. Fast traders race to “snipe” these now-stale limit orders before they can be updated
  4. Only the fastest order takes it all
  5. Those who placed the limit orders lose money, discouraging future liquidity provision

These dynamics create a market that works brilliantly for the fastest participants but becomes increasingly expensive and inaccessible for everyone else, no matter how good their insight is.

How GLOBs Change the Game for LPs

GLOBs fundamentally restructure this dynamic:

  • No More Sniping: Since trades execute gradually rather than instantly, Liquidity Providers can adjust their positions as market conditions change, even if they’re not the fastest participants in the market.
  • Speed Premium Replaced by Duration Premium: Instead of rewarding the fastest participants, GLOBs reward those willing to maintain their trading interest over time. This aligns incentives with genuine market-making rather than speed-based extraction.

For liquidity providers, these changes eliminate the predatory, speed-driven “toxic flow” that plagues traditional markets. By protecting LPs and honest market makers, GLOBs pave the way for deeper and more resilient liquidity, which, in turn, benefits all traders.

What This Means For Your Trading

So why should you care about this technical innovation? Because it changes everything about how you’ll trade:

Speed Is No Longer King

In today’s markets, being milliseconds faster gives you a massive advantage. Just ask anyone who’s tried to buy a new memecoin only to be frontrun by bots that snipe the first transactions. GLOBs flip this on its head – what matters isn’t who arrives first, but how long you’re willing to maintain your trading interest. This structural change makes many predatory trading strategies simply impossible.

Direct Matching Without Middlemen

GLOBs enable you to match directly with counterparties, even if they come to the market at different times. Rather than paying intermediaries to facilitate your trades, you can connect directly with other traders, seamlessly transitioning from trader to market maker yourself.

The Best Prices

GLOBs offer superior prices by eliminating toxic extraction (like reordering or sniping) at a structural level. With this fundamental fix in place, no value leaks from the market.

What’s more, even though each market operates as a permissionless smart contract, you receive premium treatment regardless of who participates. Because your trading intentions are transparent to everyone, market makers may take the opposite side but must compete on price (not speed!) when filling your order. This competition ensures you get the best possible price at every moment.

Also, for anyone trading larger positions, GLOBs provide a built-in, robust mechanism to reduce price impact simply by adjusting your trading speed.

Seeing GLOBs in Action

Let’s make this concrete with a few scenarios you might recognize:

When News Breaks

Imagine a major announcement affects a prediction market you’re trading in. In a traditional market, liquidity providers risk getting their orders filled at stale prices (they might try to get out in time, leading to huge prices gaps).

In a GLOB market, prices still move – but they quickly converge to their new market values without anyone being sniped in this short amount of time. What’s unique is that price motion (which is instantly changing with supply and demand) is fully decoupled from trade volume (which always takes time). So even those who don’t update their limits within their trade duration will get a proper price soon after the event. The market remains functional even during high-information events.

When Whales Make Moves

We’ve all seen what happens when a whale drops a massive order into a market – chaos, slippage, and opportunities for front-runners.

In a GLOB, even substantial positions can enter and exit with minimal market impact as long as the execution speed is low enough. The system essentially handles the optimal execution internally, without requiring complex order-splitting strategies or giving opportunities to predatory traders.

When You’re Trading Long-Tail Assets

For markets with naturally thin liquidity (like niche prediction markets), GLOBs are a game-changer. Imagine a prediction market on whether the next PEPE will flip DOGE by 2025. In traditional markets, you’d find almost no liquidity for such a niche bet. With GLOBs, the few passionate believers and skeptics can match orders over time, creating a functioning market without needing dedicated market makers.

GLOBs and Contro’s Vision

At Contro, we’re building a platform where debate meets markets, where insights and arguments have real stakes. GLOBs are fundamental to this vision for three key reasons:

  1. They enable liquid markets for any topic, regardless of how niche. No longer will debates be limited to mainstream subjects that attract professional market makers.
  2. They reward quality of insight over speed of execution. In a world drowning in hot takes and engagement-driven noise, our markets value thoughtful analysis rather than technical advantage.
  3. They create a seamless bridge between argument and action. As debates evolve and strong points emerge, markets adapt in an orderly fashion that reflects genuine shifts in probability rather than technical exploitation.

At Contro, we believe GLOBs represent the future of trading - especially in the web3 space where fairness, transparency, and efficiency are core values. They embody the most efficient way to discover an asset’s fair price through public, sustained supply and demand interactions happening in the open.

By reimagining the fundamental mechanics of markets, we’re creating a trading environment where everyone participates on equal footing, demonstrating how permissionlessness, and trustlessness create tangible benefits when paired with the right market mechanism.

The gradual revolution isn’t just coming, it’s already here. And it’s changing how we think about markets, fairness, and trading itself.

This post is part of our ongoing exploration of market design and infrastructure at Contro. For the math nerds among you: stay tuned for the upcoming paper “Gradual Limit Order Books” (Mitsou & Finke, 2025) for the formal foundations. Earlier approaches can be found in the paper “Liquid Prediction Markets Without Frontrunning” (Finke, 2023).
